Readers’ Services

  •  Reference Services (First  floor, southwest wing). Include basic reference sources (e.g., dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, yearbooks, handbooks, manuals, guidebooks, atlases, gazetteers, biographical sources, bibliographies, etc.). Include also  undergraduate and graduate theses/dissertations.

Note: Encyclopaedia Britannica, World Book: The World Favorite Encyclopedia, Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia in CD-ROM format as well as online and paperbased reference sources are also available at the American Corner (AC).

  •  Serials Services (First floor, southwest wing). Include journals, magazines, newspapers, annual reports, proceedings, monograph series, transactions of societies, and other serials arranged alphabetically by title. Maintain also a self-indexed  information file on various  subjects  clipped from   dailies/newspapers.  

Note: Access to articles from various periodicals not physically available in print format at this service area is possible through the CD-ROM, “H.W. Wilson: Applied Science and Technology” found  at the University Educational Technology Center (UETC) and throught the eLibraryUSA offered at the American Corner.  Paperbased serials are also available at the American Corner.

  •  Circulation Services (First floor, southeast wing). Include books which relate to and  supplement each curriculum offered by the University as well as those for general,  cultural, voluntary and recreational reading.
  •  Reserve Services   (First floor, southeast wing). Include books for the different courses in great demand during each semester.


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